The Mediterranean diet is renowned as the best representative of a balanced diet which supplies every essential nutrient for a healthy life. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a main ingredient in the most of the Mediterranean cuisine dishes. It could be said that the Mediterranean diet would not exist without Extra Virgin Olive Oil. People of Mediterranean nations consider this sort of nutrition as a traditional diet that can be perfectly kept and adapted to modern lifestyle. Other cultures such as American, Northern and Eastern Europe and Asian cultures acknowledge the Mediterranean diet as an attractive dietary pattern by its taste quality and health-giving features.

The olive nectar offers many health benefits. Some of them are:    

Cardiovascular disease prevention.Olive oil can prevent heart attack or angina pectoris, the most common causes of illness and death in Western world.

Hypertension prevention. It reduces blood pressure in people with a high one and regulates it in healthy individuals preventing high blood pressure.

Diabetes prevention. It contributes to a better control of diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, it can prevent or delay its appearance as it prevents insulin resistance. Likewise, olive oil protects diabetics as it lowers blood glucose level.

Cancer prevention. Olive oil prevents certain types of cancer like colon, breast and prostate. Olive oil and fish oil can reduce the risk of suffering from it.

Anti-ageing effect. It’s hard to determine whether the loss of intellectual capacity associated with old-age is or not a result of a natural ageing process or whether it is a dementia. Mediterranean diet, especially olive oil use, seems to be able to provide protection against degenerative processes thanks to the antioxidant effect promoted by vitamin E and polyphenols contained in Virgin olive oil.

The Mediterranean diet is recommended for its organoleptic value and for its health-giving benefits and can be a pattern for peoples and cultures willing to improve their quality of life through a healthy balanced diet.

Considering that olive oil forms the basis of this diet, it is clear why it is so important to collective health and to Atenea’s mission through its Oleum Olea Mare Nostrum® product range.

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